泰國新星Nam(JUTAMAS WANGSAWAT)人氣急速上升。近日,她被VIP音樂榜創辦人小瑜點名大贊。最近在台灣的活動,被多名粉絲包圍,更有粉絲為見一面通宵在機場等候,並送禮,而Nam更公佈11月行蹤可見面港澳拍攝。

近日在曼谷舉辦的K-POP全球文化座談會中,Nam擔任嘉賓。此次活動由韓國文化中心與秘魯駐泰國大使館共同主辦,吸引了各國大使及約100名泰國和秘魯民眾的熱情參與,包括韓國駐泰國大使邱敏白(Mr. Yongmin Park)和秘魯駐泰國大使塞西莉亞·卡拉雷塔(Ms. Cecilia Galarreta)。

Thai Rising Star JUTAMAS WANGSAWAT, Known as Nam, Sees a Surge in Popularity
Shines as Guest at K-POP Global Cultural Symposium in Bangkok
Thai sensation Nam (JUTAMAS WANGSAWAT) is quickly gaining international fame. Recently, she was highly praised by Alpeo, the founder of the VIP Music Chart. Her recent appearance at an event in Taiwan was met with a throng of enthusiastic fans who surrounded her. Some fans even spent the night at the airport waiting to catch a glimpse and present gifts to their favorite star. Nam has also announced her upcoming schedule for November, which includes visits to Hong Kong and Macau for filming.