The much-anticipated Thai drama idols and stars of the popular GL series, Ling Ling Kwong and Kornnaphat (Orm), arrived in Macao yesterday, instantly igniting a wave of excitement among fans. Their arrival drew a crowd of local supporters, with many fans traveling from various cities to welcome them at the airport.


Upon landing, Ling Ling Kwong and Kornnaphat quickly headed to the event venue for a rehearsal. Their level of professionalism and dedication to their craft impressed everyone in attendance. Despite their busy schedule, the duo showcased remarkable professionalism during the rehearsal, endearing themselves to the event staff and fans alike.


Hundreds of fans waited eagerly outside, anticipating their first fan meeting in Macao. Many devoted supporters traveled great distances to catch a glimpse of their beloved idols, demonstrating their unwavering love and support for Ling Ling and Kornnaphat. The atmosphere in Macao buzzed with excitement and anticipation as fans prepared for this special moment.

The fan meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, where Ling Ling and Kornnaphat will engage in intimate interactions with fans, sharing their exciting stories and behind-the-scenes insights. Fans are eager to learn more about the duo’s lives, work, and their memorable experiences in Thai dramas.


This event is not just a simple fan meeting; it represents a significant opportunity for Ling Ling Kwong and Kornnaphat to connect with their fans on a deeper level in Macao. Whether they are followers of GL love stories or devoted fans of the couple, this event promises to create unforgettable memories for all attendees.



泰劇偶像組合Ling Ling KwongKornnaphat (Orm) 昨日抵達澳門,引起粉絲熱潮

備受矚目的泰劇偶像及熱門GL劇集主演Ling Ling Kwong和Kornnaphat (Orm)于昨日順利抵達澳門,立即掀起一股強大的粉絲熱潮。兩位明星的到來不僅吸引了當地的粉絲,甚至還有許多來自不同城市的支持者早早趕到了機場,爭相迎接他們的到來。

在抵達的第一時間,Ling Ling Kwong與Kornnaphat迅速前往活動場地進行排練。他們的專業精神贏得了現場工作人員的讚賞。儘管行程緊張,但兩人在排練期間表現出的認真態度和高度的職業素養,讓每一位在場的人都為之感動。

眾多粉絲在場外翹首以盼,期待著他們的首次粉絲見面會。為了能夠一睹偶像風采,許多粉絲從不同的城市專程趕來,展現出對Ling Ling與Kornnaphat的熱愛與支持。在這個特別的時刻,粉絲們的熱情讓澳門的空氣中彌漫著一種歡快而期待的氣息。

據悉,此次粉絲見面會將于明天舉行,Ling Ling與Kornnaphat將與粉絲們進行親密互動,分享他們的精彩故事和幕後花絮。粉絲們迫不及待地想要瞭解更多有關二人的生活、工作以及他們在泰劇中的點滴回憶。

本次活動不僅是一次簡單的粉絲見面,更是LIng Ling Kwong與Kornnaphat在澳門與粉絲們心靈相通的一個重要契機。無論是追求GL愛情故事的劇迷,還是他們忠實的CP組合粉絲,相信此次活動都將成為難以磨滅的美好回憶。