After Class 的詹天文(Windy) 是香港中學文憑考試(DSE)的應屆考生之一,早前Windy 在社交平台上宣布,她已獲得國際知名音樂學府 Berklee College of Music(伯克利音樂學院) 的取錄。
Windy 在接受面試時感到緊張,但最終成功地成為了 顧嘉煇、王力宏、韓國歌手 PSY 及歐陽娜娜 的同校師妹。
Windy 從小就跟隨專業女高音歌唱家學習正統聲樂,並在學校社際音樂比賽中展現出色的實力。她的演唱片段,特別是在莫札特的《魔笛》中飾演「夜后」的表現,讓她被譽為「聲樂界的明日之星」。
Windy 昨天在IG 再宣佈, 得到Berklee College of Music主動提供獎學金, 令她非常興奮同感恩!這顯示了她在音樂上的才華和努力得到了認可。這對她的音樂生涯來說是一個重要的里程碑。她的粉絲們對此紛紛表示祝賀,這也顯示了他們對Windy她的支持和愛戴。希望Windy在Berklee的學習旅程中繼續發光發熱,再次祝賀Windy!

Congratulations to Windy Zhan on her outstanding achievement of being accepted to Berklee College of Music! As a recent candidate of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE), Windy’s hard work and dedication have paid off with this incredible opportunity. With a passion for music from a young age, Windy has honed her skills under the guidance of a professional soprano singer and has showcased her exceptional talent in school music competitions.
Windy’s excellence in music, particularly her performance as the future star of the vocal world. Although she was nervous during the interview process were replaced with joy and gratitude as she announced her acceptance and scholarship offer from Berklee College of Music on Instagram, marking a significant milestone in her musical career.

Her devoted fans have expressed their congratulations and unwavering support, recognizing Windy’s hard-earned achievements and the promising future ahead of her at Berklee. We extend our warmest wishes to Windy as she continues to shine and thrive in her musical journey at Berklee College of Music. Congratulations, Windy!