主辦單位大名娛樂今日宣布,《B.I 2024 Tour HYPE UP in Hong Kong》將於2024年5月24日晚上,假九展 Star Hall 舉行。票價分為港幣$1680 (VIP)、$1480、$1180 和 $780 ,四種價格門票會於5月2日早上10 時正在 Hong Kong Ticketing 公開開售。而為了回饋粉絲的愛戴,B.I準備了豐富的粉絲福利,包括觀看綵排環節、歡送環節、簽名海報等等,詳情如下:

1. $1680 (VIP) : 觀看綵排、簽名專輯、High Touch 歡送、影團體合照、簽名版海報
2. $1480 : 觀看綵排、簽名專輯、影團體合照、簽名版海報
3. $1180 : 影團體合照、簽名版海報
韓國男團iKON出身的B.I(金韓彬)是一位出色的歌手、Rapper、唱作人及製作人,他獨特的音樂風格獲得了廣大樂迷喜愛。他創作的人氣歌曲有《Illa Illa》、《COSMOS》和《Be I》等,以及iKON時期的大熱歌曲《Love Scenario》。B.I於2022年開始擴展事業版圖,與美國大型經理人公司Wasserman簽約進軍歐美巿場,Wasserman旗下有聚多國際級音樂人,包括Ed Sheeran、Billie Eillish及Imagine Dragons,B.I還參與格林美國際巡迴演出。
B.I去年底推出專輯《Love or Loved (L.O.L)》,今年2月發行首張日文專輯《I’m home》,並宣布舉行全新一輪巡迴演唱會《 B.I 2024 Tour HYPE UP》,會於5月18日在首爾揭幕。今次香港站個唱,B.I不僅會獻唱新歌,還有他近年的人氣作品,令人期待。主辦單位表示:「這是B.I第一次來到香港開騷,必定能為ID(B.I粉絲稱號)們帶來精彩演出及驚喜!」

Big Honor Entertainment, announced today that “B.I 2024 Tour HYPE UP in Hong Kong” will be held at Star Hall, KITEC on May 24, 2024. Ticket prices are HK$1680 (VIP), HK$1480, HK$1180, and HK$780. Tickets will go on sale to the public at 10:00 am on May 2 at Hong Kong Ticketing. In order to show appreciation to fans, B.I has prepared various fan benefits, including rehearsal viewing, farewell session, signed posters, and more.
B.I, also known as Kim Han-bin, a former member of the Korean boy band iKON, is a talented singer, rapper, songwriter, and producer with a unique music style. He is known for popular songs such as “Illa Illa,” “COSMOS,” “Be I,” and the hit song “Love Scenario” during his time with iKON. B.I has expanded his career internationally by signing with the American talent agency Wasserman, which represents renowned artists such as Ed Sheeran, Billie Eilish, and Imagine Dragons. He also participated in the Grammy international tour.
B.I released the album “Love or Loved (L.O.L)” at the end of last year and released his first Japanese album “I’m home” in February this year. He announced a new round of tour “B.I 2024 Tour HYPE UP,” which will kick off in Seoul on May 18. For this concert in Hong Kong, B.I will not only perform new songs but also his popular works from recent years, making it highly anticipated. The organizer stated, “This is B.I’s first concert in Hong Kong, and it will definitely bring a fantastic and surprising performance for ID (B.I’s fan club)!”
For more details about B.I’s concert in Hong Kong, please follow Big Honor on social media.