近期,隨著多位泰國藝人紛紛進軍內地市場,她們憑借GL (Girls Love)系列作品一炮而紅,吸引了眾多粉絲的關注。其中不乏知名藝人,如《我們的秘密》的Orm和Ling、《粉紅理論》的Freen和Becky,以及Milk、Love、View和June等。然而,在眾多作品中,《愛填滿空白》更是最近全球人氣之作,成為了眾多粉絲熱議的焦點。





Thai Artist Faye’s Arrival in Nanning Causes Fan Frenzy, Nearly Falls but Continues to Smile at Fans

Recently, numerous Thai artists have been making waves in the mainland market, gaining widespread attention thanks to the GL (Girls Love) series. Among these rising stars are familiar names such as Orm and Ling from “Secrets”, Freen and Becky from “Pink Theory”, as well as Milk, Love, View, and June. Among all the dramas, “Blank The Series” has become a recent global sensation, a hot topic among fans.

Today, Faye, one of the key characters from “Blank The Series”, made a special trip to Nanning for a personal fan meet and birthday celebration. Fans flocked from all directions, eager to catch a glimpse of their idol, leading to an electrifying atmosphere. At Nanning Airport, as Faye disembarked from her flight, she was greeted by hundreds of enthusiastic fans, resulting in a chaotic scene as they called out her name with excitement.

In the midst of the crowded setting, Faye nearly lost her balance upon arrival. However, despite the overwhelming situation, she demonstrated grace and courtesy, responding to her fans’ enthusiasm with a warm smile, earning continuous cheers from the crowd. Her professionalism and appreciation for her fans truly warmed many hearts.

As Thai artists gradually establish a foothold in the mainland China market, this phenomenon reflects the ongoing strengthening of cultural exchanges between China and Thailand, while indicating a broader development opportunity for Thai films and television in the mainland. We look forward to seeing Faye and her fellow Thai artists deliver more excellent works, injecting fresh vitality into the Chinese entertainment market.