LE SSERAFIM 再登上Coachella舞臺,引發粉絲真假唱討論,
LE SSERAFIM Returns to Coachella Stage, Sparking Fan Debate on Lip-Syncing, Despite Negative Voices, They Present Exceptional Mood and Dance Moves, Stage Atmosphere
LE SSERAFIM再次登上「Coachella音樂節」,引發爭議。線民指責K-pop團體LE SSERAFIM在Coachella第二周的表演中假唱,此舉激起了粉絲們的辯論。這些指責是在粉絲們注意到現場表演中音訊與成員的嘴唇動作之間存在出入後出現的。
這一爭議在網路上引發了激烈的辯論,一些粉絲為該團體辯護,將出現的差異歸因於技術問題或音訊混音不佳。然而,也有一些人持懷疑態度,指出成員的嘴唇動作與歌聲不同步的情況。粉絲們一絲不苟地剖析了表演中的具體時刻,特別是他們的歌曲《ANTIFRAGILE》中引起了關注。在這個片段中,成員Chaewon在她的即興部分結束前拿下了麥克風,但歌聲仍在持續,引發了對現場演唱真實性的廣泛猜測。但不管怎樣,他們的舞臺表演和舞蹈都非常出色。LE SSERAFIM在第二周的「Coachella音樂節」上帶來完美的夜晚;
《Good Bones》的開場完美命中LE SSERAFIM上週六演出時,她們毫無疑問是舞臺上的女王,儘管在某些部分她們的聲音有所偏差。但在第二周的Coachella上,一切都變得更好了。在用最新EP《EASY》的開場曲《Good Bones》點燃舞臺的同時,LE SSERAFIM以震撼的方式為今晚設定了基調!由主唱Huh Yunjin站在中央,迎接著她的問候:“R U READY,Coachella。

LE SSERAFIM是《FEARLESS》表演者和歌手:LE SSERAFIM回到了Coachella的第二周,展現出了最穩定的聲音,證明了她們的無畏精神。Sakura的甜美高音完美無瑕,尤其是她在《Fearless》中。Chaewon的聲音控制令人歎為觀止,她的聲音穩定而充滿激情,命中所有音符。LE SSERAFIM的《Smart》表演成為了這個夜晚的最大亮點。無論是Huh Yunjin說的“Coachella,R U READY……”還是Chaewon令人無法抗拒的迷人嗓音,整個表演都令人印象深刻。《Smart》的歡呼聲和呐喊聲簡直淹沒了整個現場。LE SSERAFIM的舞蹈和歌聲在整個表演中都表現得非常迷人。結尾的速度變化使團體的聲音更加閃耀,這絕對是這個夜晚的高潮時刻。Kazuha特意省略了一些歌詞以證明他們是現場演唱:這個夜晚最令人震驚的時刻之一是,Kazuha突然停止了歌唱一秒鐘,然後繼續唱她的詩句“Watch me now”,以證明他們是現場演唱。這發生在LE SSERAFIM表演他們的主打歌曲《UNFORGIVEN》時。此外,Kazuha的整個人都充滿了魅力,她的動作直截了當而有力。LE SSERAFIM在結束時的舞蹈表演:在Coachella 2024的表演中,LE SSERAFIM爆炸性的演出結束前,確保與備用演員一起進行了一場震撼的舞蹈表演。這段舞蹈充滿了熱情和風格。

LE SSERAFIM once again graced the stage of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, sparking controversy. Accusations of lip-syncing during their performance in the second weekend of Coachella stirred debates among fans. These allegations arose after discrepancies between the audio and the members’ lip movements were observed during the live performance.
The ensuing controversy ignited intense discussions online, with some fans defending the group, attributing the discrepancies to technical issues or poor audio mixing. However, skeptics pointed out instances where the members’ lip movements seemed out of sync with the vocals. Fans meticulously analyzed specific moments from the performance, particularly scrutinizing their song “ANTIFRAGILE.” Despite these debates, their stage performance and dance were outstanding.
LE SSERAFIM brought a perfect night to Coachella’s second weekend. The flawless opening of “Good Bones” set the stage on fire, with Huh Yunjin’s commanding presence capturing everyone’s attention. Their fearlessness as performers and vocalists shone through, especially in Sakura’s flawless high pitches in “Fearless” and Chaewon’s remarkable vocal control.
The highlight of the night was their performance of “Smart,” where the cheers and shouts drowned the venue, showcasing their captivating dance moves and vocals. Kazuha intentionally omitted some lyrics during “UNFORGIVEN” to prove they were singing live, captivating the audience with her charismatic persona.
Before concluding their explosive set, LE SSERAFIM delivered a mesmerizing dance break with backup performers, leaving the audience spellbound. Despite all the controversies, their performance at Coachella was a testament to their talent and professionalism.